Celebrities in the Instagram universe such as Selena Gomez, Ayu Ting-Ting, and Awkarin, do not necessarily use cheating as a way to increase their Instagram followers. Their followers are very active, and that's what makes their account famous on Instagram.
Of course, they preceded it with the work, then continued with various techniques that became the secret of how to add active Instagram followers. Maybe they did not realize it, but we can apply this method to increase active followers.
1. Expand your content
The most appropriate and safest way to add Instagram followers is to add content. Of course this is a way to add followers with a long and tiring process to go through. Therefore, creativity is needed. Be yourself by living what you like most, then multiply your Instagram content with what you like. This Instagram content should not be just a lot of origin, but must be accompanied by the uniqueness and what people will see as 'different' from other accounts.
2. Hashtags, and popular tags
Including a hashtag or hash mark on each of your Instagram posts is the most basic way to add Instagram followers. This hashtag makes a kind of category that matches your Instagram photos. This will make your photos easier for other users to find, and if interesting, you will get new followers.
For example, if you are a food photography activist, in each photo of your food, include complete hashtag information from your food such as #instafood, #kulinerjakarta, #masakanpadang, #doyanmakan, and so on.
3. Share on other social networks
How to add followers with hashtag is quite easy and effective. But this can be maximized by sharing your posts on other social networks. This maximization can easily be done by synchronizing, i.e. connecting your Instagram with Twitter and Facebook. With this, when you post something on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook you will also post the same thing. In contrast to the two points explained above, how to increase Instagram followers by simply sharing them is the easiest and least effortful way.
One step that can be taken to become a celebrity is to add Instagram followers with social media optimization applications or services. Although not considered a normal step and should be done as a way to increase Instagram followers, sosmed optimization services are still often used to increase follower numbers and boost our Instagram accounts.
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